Friday, October 27, 2006

FLYlady on Yelling

If you are having a problem with yelling at your babies, then read
this. (I found this on my Flylady email today, maybe it will help us!)
Behavior Modification for yelling and being short with your babies.

1. Keep a journal, each time you yell or say something harsh.
even if it becomes a thick book.

2. Look at what is going on when you yell. Are your under time
pressure? Is the guilt of a messy home making you lash out?

3. Practice using a whisper to talk to your children. It is very hard
to yell in a quiet voice.

4. Put that SMILE on your face. It is really hard to be mad with your
have that big grin.

5. When you catch yourself filling with rage, then take a deep breath
and look at those sweet faces of your babies.

6. Don't forget, the children need to be trained how to handle
cleaning chores too.

7. Your babies are only little once. They will be grown before you
know it. I know mine is 28 years old.

8. Another thing to do when you are mad is leave the room. Go

9. Say a little prayer and ask God for patience.

10.Remember my 3 Life lessons:

A) What doesn't matter, Doesn't matter.
(Who is going to remember the spilled milk 15 years from now)

B) Laugh every day, even if it is at yourself.
(all s, have a funny side, if you will find them and embrace
the moment with laughter)

C) Love like there is no tomorrow.
(This one will get your right where it hurts most. Do you want your
childs last memory of you to be one of yelling and anger.)

It is up to you to change this behavior.

I feel that it has to do with the fact that you still have put time
pressure on yourself.

Make your plan(routines) and work the plan as fast as you can. This
way you will have the time to spend teaching and loving your babies
through their little ups and downs. It is up to you to show them how
to handle their anger. Were you ever taught? Now is the time to
change. When you know better you will do better. No excuses.

Enjoy the gift you are given.

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